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Justice and Society Research Centre


Gelsthorpe, L., Mody, P. & Sloan, B. (Eds). (2020). Spaces of Care. Bloomsbury Publishing.

Book Chapters

Gelsthorpe, L. & Trafford, L (2021). Feminist Criminologies. In P. Davies & M. Rowe (Eds.), An Introduction to Criminology. Sage. p.133-150.  
Dominey, J. (2020). What does privatisation Mean for Probation Supervision? In P. Bean (Ed.), Criminal Justice and Privatisation. Routledge p.203-214.  
Lanskey, C. (2018). An historical perspective on education in secure accommodation in England and Wales from 1850 to the present.  In D. Gallard, K. Evans & J. Millington (Eds.), Children and Their Education in Secure Accommodation. Routledge, London. p. 21-42. Transnational Criminology Manual
Wright, S. (2017). ‘Narratives of punishment and desistance in the lives of repeatedly criminalised women’. In E. Hart & E. van Ginneken (Eds), New Perspectives on Desistance. Palgrave MacMillan. p. 11-35.  
Gelsthorpe, L. & Wright, S. (2015). ‘The context: Women as law-breakers’. In J. Annison, J. Brayford & J. Deering (Eds), Women and the criminal justice: From the Corston Report to Transforming Rehabilitation. Bristol, UK: Policy Press. Women and criminal justice
Gelsthorpe, L. (2014) ‘Criminal Justice: the Policy Landscape’.  In A. Hucklesby & A. Wahidin (Eds.), Criminal Justice. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Criminal justice book
Gelsthorpe, L. (2013). ‘Working with Women in Probation: 'Will you, won't you, will you, won't you, won't you join the dance?'. In P. Ugwudike & P. Raynor (Eds.), What Works in Offender Compliance: International Perspectives and Evidence-Based Practice. Basingstoke: Palgrave What Works in Offender Compliance
Gelsthorpe, L. & Larrauri, E. (2013). ‘Gender and crime in Europe’. In The Routledge Handbook of European Criminology. London: Routledge. The Routledge Handbook of European Criminology.
Gelsthorpe, L. (2013). ‘Legitimacy, Law and Locality: Making the Case for Change’. In M. Malloch & G. McIvor (Eds.), Women, Punishment and Social Justice. London: Routledge Women punishment and social justice
Cox, A. & Gelsthorpe, L. (2012). ‘Harmony behind bars: evaluating the therapeutic impact of a music programme in prisons’. In L. Cheliotis (Ed.), The Arts of Imprisonment: Control, Resistance and Empowerment. Basingstoke: Ashgate. the art of Imprisonment
Gelsthorpe, L. (2011). ‘What works with women offenders?’. In M. Herzog-Evans (Ed.), Transnational Criminology Manual, Vol. 3. Nijmegen, The Netherlands: Wolf Publishers.  


Gollini, I., Caimo, A. & Campana, P. (2020). Modelling interactions among offenders: A latent space approach for interdependent ego-networks. Social Networks, 63, p.134-149

Campana, P. & Gelsthorpe, L. (2021). "Choosing a Smuggler: Decision-making Among Migrants Smuggled to Europe".   European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, 27(1)

Campana, P. & Giovannetti, A. (2020). Predicting Violence in Merseyside: a Network-Based Approach Using No Demographic. Cambridge Journal of Evidence-Based Policing, 4, p.89-102.

Campana, P. (2020). Human Smuggling: Structure and Mechanisms. Crime and Justice, 49, 471- 519

Campana, P. & Varese, F. (2020). Studying organized crime networks: data sources boundaries and the limits of structural measures. Social Networks

Campana, P. (2018). 'Out of Africa: The organization of migrant smuggling across the Mediterranean'. European Journal of Criminology

Campana, P. (2017). 'The market for human smuggling into Europe: A macro perspective', Policing doi:10.1093/police/paw058 

Dominey, J. Coley, D., Ellis Devitt, K., & Lawrence, J (2021). Putting a face to a name: Telephone contact as part of a blended approach to probation supervisionProbation Journal (online)

Dominey, J., & Annison, J. (2021). Introducing the NAPO Archive. Probation Journal, 68(3), p.365-370.

Dominey, J., Coley, D., Ellis Devitt, K., & Lawrence, J. (2021). Remote Supervsion: Getting the balance right. Probation Quarterly, 19.

Dominey, J. & Gelsthorpe, L. (2020). Who cares? Probation practice and privatisation. In L. Gelsthorpe, P. Mody & B. Sloan (Eds.), Spaces of Care. Bloomsbury Publishing.

Dominey, J. & Gelsthorpe, L. (2020). Resettlement and the Case for Women. Probation Journal, 67(4)

Dominey, J. (2012). `A mixed market for probation services: Can lessons from the recent past help shape the near future?'. Probation Journal, 59(4), p.339-354.

Doxat-Pratt, S. (2021). Musical communities in the society of captives: Exploring the impact of music making on the social world of prisonMusicae Scientiae, 25(3), p.290-302.

Doxat-Pratt, S. (2018). Performance Matters: The Case for Including Performance in Prison Music Projects. Prison Service Journal, 239, p.27-32.

Gelsthorpe, L. & Hedderman, C. (2012). ‘Providing for women offenders: the risks of adopting a payment by results approach’, Probation Journal, 59(4), p.374-390. 

Gelsthorpe, L. (2011). ‘Women, crime and control: a response to Punishing the Poor: The Neoliberal Government of Social Insecurity and Prisons of Poverty by Loïc Wacquant’. Special Issue of Criminology and Criminal Justice: an International Journal, 10(4), p.375-386

Marshall, H, J., Harvey, J. & Lanskey, C. (2019). Connectors, Horizon Stretchers, Outsiders: Youth Justice Practitioners in Rural EnglandYouth Justice, 20(2)

Jarman, B. & Lanskey, C. (2019). ‘A Poor Prospect Indeed’: The State’s Disavowal of Child Abuse Victims in Youth Custody, 1960–1990Societies, 9(2)

Lanskey, C., Lӧsel. F, Markson, L., & Souza, K. (2016). Children's contact with their imprisoned fathers and the father–child relationship following release. Families Relationships and Societies, 5(1), p.43-58

Jack, A., Lanskey, C., & Harvey, J. (2015). Young offenders ' and their families ' experiences of mental health interventionsJournal of Children's Services, 10(4), p.353-364.

Lanskey, C., Lӧsel. F, Markson, L., & Souza, K. (2015). Re-framing the analysis: a 3-dimensional perspective of prisoners’ children’s well-being. Children and Society, 29 (5), p. 484-494.

Lanskey, C. (2014). Up or down and out? A systemic analysis of young people’s educational pathways in the youth justice system in England and Wales. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 19(6) p.568-582